Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Rip Curl pro search event hits San Francisco's Ocean beach.... Surfers greeted by Shark!!!

Reported in this SFGate article, surfer Dusty Payne was greeted by a three foot fin during a morning session out at Ocean beach during the Rip Curl pro search tour event.  These sharks out there don't care who is out there.  When you're hungry you're going to eat just about anything (anyone)!  Just reading this article first reminded me why I'm not a surfer and two spurred the endless one lines that I can rattle off from one of the best movies of all time, Point Break!

Here's a link to a live feed for the competition!

Before Rusty paddled in, I believe the conversation between him and the Shark went a little something like this,

Jonny Utah (Dusty): Okay. I get it. This is where you tell me that "locals rule", and that Yuppie insects like me shouldn't be surfing the break, right? 
Bubker Weiss (the Shark): Nope. 
Anthony Kiedis : That would be a waste of time... 
Warchild (the Shark): We're just gonna fuck you up! 

Via con dios brah!

-Mr. A

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